Feb. 12, 2020

The Holocaust v Stalin and Mao: the Greater Evil? (EP.204)

The Holocaust v Stalin and Mao: the Greater Evil? (EP.204)


January 28th, 2020, marked the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz, where the Nazis killed 1.1 million, mostly Jews, but the Nazi butchers also targeted homosexuals, the mentally ill, the physically unfit, gypsies and others for starvation, torture and extermiation.

Six million Jews were killed by Hitler and his followers during their time in power. Stalin killed about 25 million of his countrymen in his quest to gain and keep power in Russia; Mao killed about 60 million Chinese in the same quest.

Five star General of the Armies, Dwight Eisenhower, commanded that Germans in locales near the various Nazi death camps be forced to march through the camps, and see the horror they tacitly supported by their silence. A silence they maintained despite years of the smell of burning flesh and trainload after trainload of thousands of people arriving each and every day–and no one leaving.

Now, let’s go on a forced march through the 85 million deaths under communism. Are you with me?

That is the subject of today’s 10-minute episode. 



A few of the Jewish death camp survivors, wearing their striped prison uniforms, sat at a table in one of the barracks, ready to confront the German civilians with stories of what they had suffered at the hands of the Nazis. There were 4,000 Jews in the Buchenwald camp when the American liberators arrived, and most of them had previously been at Auschwitz or other camps in the east.

“We didn’t know.” This was what the German civilian population would say over and over again about the concentration camps in the coming months. The American army was determined that the ordinary German people should see the depths of depravity to which their Nazis leaders had sunk. Below is a photo of Germans being forced to see their neighborhood horrors for the first time.

Let me take on the role the Jewish survivors had by informing Revolution 20.™ readers and listeners of the horrors of communism, horrors that in sheer death count far outweigh, far out horrify, what the Nazis did. Moreover, the Nazi horrors ended in 1945; the Communist horrors continue.

I want the magnitude of the Communist atrocities to be as real for all of us as this photo taken at Buchenwald in 1945.

Most of us have heard “Never forget” when it comes to the Holocaust. And we must never forget; if we forget, a repeat of the Holocaust becomes just a tad bit more likely. And some are cruel enough to deny that it even happened at all. Holocaust deniers. Climate change deniers are disagreeing with predictions; Holocaust deniers are denying proven, well documented history.

And we must never forget what Stalin and Mao did, but first, we must know what they did. Joseph Stalin was the dictator who ruled Russia as the General Secretary of the Communist Party from the mid-20s to 1953. He killed 25M of his own people; 20M Russians and 5M Urkanians, to establish and maintain his power. Stalin was behind the totalitarian government that was responsible for mass repressions, ethnic cleansing, deportations, hundreds of thousands of executions, and famines. Along the way, he made a pact with the head Nazi, Adolph Hilter, in 1939, to carve up Poland, with each taking about half. 

But he was outdone by another communist leader. Mao Zedong, known in China as Chairman Mao, slaughtered a good 60 million of his people in his work to seize and maintain power. He took power as the Chairman of the Communist Party of China in 1949 until his death in 1976. During his rule, Mao solidified his control entering the Korean War on the side of North Korea when it looked as if North Korea was about to be swallowed up by American troops, causing the deaths of several million Chinese. In 1957, Mao launched the Anti-Rightist Campaign, which persecuted at least 550,000 people, most of whom were intellectuals and dissidents. In 1958 he launched the Great Leap Forward that aimed to rapidly transform China’s economy from agrarian to industrial. This led to the deadliest famine in history and the deaths of 20–40 million people between 1958 and 1962. In 1966 he initiated the Cultural Revolution, a program to remove “counter-revolutionary” elements in Chinese society which lasted 10 years and was marked by violent class struggle, widespread destruction of cultural artifacts, and an unprecedented promotion of Mao’s cult of personality. Tens of millions of people were persecuted during this Revolution, while the estimated number of deaths ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions. Today Chinese Communist leadership is busy with its genocide of its Uyghur Muslims. 

The Nazis have no peer when it comes to pure, concentrated evil. Any criticism of them, no matter how schathing, is fully warranted. But the Nazis were responsible for killing far fewer than the Communists. So, Will, why, when do we say “Nazi” when we want to refer to great evil, and not “Communist?” Here are a few reasons:

  1. The Nazi horror and evil have been fully exposed. Everything from the liberation of the concentration camps to the decades long hunt for Nazi leaders and widley publicized trials like Nurenberg, Germany in ‘45 and ‘46 and Eichmann’s 1960 trial in Israel cast a worldwide spotlight on the Nazi cruelties.
  2. Communism is based on nice sounding words and principles, while Nazism is based on race hatred.

But look at the history: Nazism is the embodiment of pure evil; Communism is the leader in pure killing. Communism is still active and powerful, killing economies and people around the world, including Russia, China, Cuba, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and North Korea.

Okay, now we know. Now, never forget either the horrors of the Nazi holocaust or the Communist slaughter.

As we get ready to wrap up, please do respond in the episodes with comments or questions about this episode or anything that comes to mind, or connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. And you can subscribe on your favorite device through Apple, Google, or Stitcher.

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Will Luden, coming to you from 7,200’ in Colorado Springs.