June 3, 2022

Enough Is Enough! Now For The Specifics About More Gun Laws

Enough Is Enough! Now For The Specifics About More Gun Laws

"Enough is Enough" is an empty phrase, right up there with “Do Something!” We need implementable specifics, or it is all just posturing. That is the subject of today's short-form episode.

An empty phrase, right up there with “Do Something!” Unless the people and groups shouting these sentiments are willing to:

1. Detail exactly what changes need to be made.

2. Work through how they would be implemented.

3. Outline how these changes would create the desired results.

4. Accurately define terms like assault weapons and be clear about what you want to ban or further restrict.

5. Stop using phrases like “We need gun control,” implying that we do not already have tens of thousands of laws on the books. And stop the accusatory, self-righteous cliche wars like, “Republicans want to save fetuses and kill children,” and, “Democrats are fascists who want to take your guns and  control your speech.”

6. Stop making “need” an argument against gun ownership. No one needs a vacation home, or a sports car, a $500K annual income, or a 3K square foot home.

…then the shouting on both sides is nothing but self-serving grandstanding, guaranteed to squash any fixes.

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Take 10 With Will Luden is centered on blending personal responsibility with being our Brother's Keepers. Blended, because neither stands alone. When this is done well, and we talk about how to do that, we create better lives for ourselves, our communities and the nation.

I have been podcasting for years, pulling together my decades of experience as a high-tech CEO, two years by the banks of the Charles River in the Harvard B-School, 3 years, 2 months and 25 days (but who’s counting?) in the Army, including 27 months in the Far East, and a lifetime of rich experiences, including many successes as well as failures, to deliver insights, well researched facts, questions and calls to action. These episodes will give you specific information, combined with ways to think things through, that you can use to clarify and grow your thinking on the issues of the day. And to know how to take action on the issues that are important to you.


I focus on culture, because politics is downstream from culture. I touch on religion because culture is downstream from religion. A recurring theme is that we, not they, are the ones who need to make things work. We are the people in charge, not the politicians. We, not the corporate chieftains. We, not our neighbors. We. Us. Together. We make it happen, or it happens to us.