In 2016, the Mainstream Media/Pollsters cabal predicted a Clinton landslide. In 2020, the same pairing predicted an even bigger landslide for Biden.
With their thousands of professionals, powerful analytic tools and decades of experience, are they that bad at their jobs, or is there something else going on? And do they have partners?
That is the subject of today’s 10-minute episode.
Let’s hear from Meghan McCain, anti-Trump Republican and daughter of the late Republican Senator John McCain. “Modern American polling is dead and modern American pollsters should find another vocation so they stop wasting all of our collective time and helping to gaslight the media and American public.” Did the pollsters get it wrong, did they learn nothing new after embarrassing themselves in 2016? I posit that the pollsters, Mainstream Media (MSM) and blue state authorities have formed a loosely organized, yet powerfully effective, coalition, a cabal, really, designed to make America permanently liberal cum progressive. An America that would never again have an effective conservative political presence, and would certainly never again have a Republican President. Pollsters are selling the narrative, one they know to be false, that America is a landslide liberal/progressive country. MSM, ditto. Blue state authorities are spinning their rules and rules implementation in an attempt to prove the pollsters and MSM correct in their false claim. America is indeed deeply divided, but the division is largely created by this three-way cabal; divide and conquer. We do not naturally hate each other; we are being taught that the Trump supporters are not only wrong, but dangerously and hatefully wrong. And the Trumpers rear up on their hind legs, shouting alliance to the President who supports them, while believing the false claim that the other side does indeed detest them. Remember the song in the musical “South Pacific”, “You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught?”
Pause for a quick orientation: Unlike Ms. McCain, I am not a Republican. Unlike Mr. Biden, I am not a Democrat. As a registered Unaffiliated voter, my allegiance is not to one party or the other. My allegiance is to getting it right for America and its citizens.
Let’s take a look at my post election observations that lead me to my conclusions about the three-way cabal–the same cabal that has been working to depose Trump since he became the President-elect four years ago:
GOP share of non-white vote, presidential elections (%)
And how insulting is it to a person or group if you imply they cannot handle the simple, everyday task of acquiring a photo ID?
Here’s a stunner: In Pennsylvania, it is against the rules to reject a ballot if the signature on the ballot does not match with the signature on the voter registration. How is that even possible?
The stake in the heart of our Constitutional Republic would be the destruction of the Electoral College, one of the brilliant, interlocking pieces of the breakthrough thinking in our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The core reason for the College is to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Isn’t that a fundamental liberal ideal?
This election was billed as, “The most influential in our lifetime.” That is certainly true, but the question of where the influence will be felt remains: Will the lasting influence be the cabal’s success in fulfilling its mission? Or will the lasting influence be us, you and me, us and our neighbors, rising up in righteous indignation, rising up in our love for America and each other, and taking our country back? Revolution 2.0™ is about exactly that. Not with guns, as in Revolution 1.0, but with conviction, knowledge, courage and love–a fierce, irresistible love.
Pause for clarification: I am not defending Trump; I am defending our treasured Constitutional Republic. As I trust that we all are, and with passion and commitment.
Hillary Clinton’s 2017 book, “What Happened” was designed to fix the blame on others for her personal 2016 loss to a political novice. There was nothing to fix; she was simply assigning fault. My episode, “What’s Happening” is designed to lead to a fix, assigning the responsibility to all of us.
Tell me what you believe. I and many others want to know.
As always, whatever you do, do it in love. Without love, anything we do is empty.
As we get ready to wrap up, please do respond in the episodes with comments or questions about this episode or anything that comes to mind, or connect with me on Twitter, @willluden, Facebook,, and LinkedIn, And you can subscribe on your favorite device through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and wherever you listen to podcasts.
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Will Luden, coming to you from 7,200’ in Colorado Springs.